Our Fourth of July was a lot of relaxed fun. Saturday we hung around the pool for the majority of the day. I got treated to Mexican Saturday evening (woo!) which makes my heart extremlely happy. Nicko and I also started picking out names. We only got to boys but are supposed to resume sometimme this week. Who knows for sure when. Apparently he wasn't happy with any of the names we had previously picked out, so we're back to square one. Sunday we bbq'd at his grandparents house along with his parents and siblings. Nothing too exciting, but it was a nice time with good food. Then we came home, with Nicko's younger brother in tow, and shot off a few fireworks. I figured Vann would like the colors but he was not very happy about it. I think he was tired and cranky and a few loud ones scared him- which we had no intentions on shooting off. Monday we did nothing all day long but enjoy the rain. Last night we went out the to 'Celebrate Trussville' festival to watch the fireworks. They were ok.. all the smoke and fog from the rain earlier made visibilty hard, but we caught a few glimpses and Vann actually watched these.
I'm a little spoiled when it comes to firework shows i've realized. Living so close to Disney and seeing their 'shows' makes everything else fail in comparision. Disney is phenomenal!
I was even telling Nicko last night where I grew up was about a mile walk down to the lake, and every year they would put on a big 4th celebration- live music, food, random sidewalk acts, vendors selling glow sticks and the like and an hour long firework show over the lake. My firends and I would walk down there and watch the show. It was a great experience each year.
Not that Trussville's was bad. I just have expectations and those..fell short. It made me miss home that much more.
I know the pictures above are pretty funny..and quite possibly creepy. He found that God-awful shirt at a thrift store sometime last year and actually bought it. (Why is beyond my comphresion) I remembered he had it and convienced him to take a picture in it. He insisted of making it white trash and adding the boots. We both found it to be hillarious if it appeared that he had no shorts on (I wish he'd have had whitie tidies- that would have made the ensamble complete) and then he added fireworks for that 'american pride' look. The end result was pretty fantastic, and this was the less creepy of the set I took.
I'm so glad he's got a sense of humor. :) He said soemthing about sending it into Tosh.o but I seriously doubt he actually will. He gets too embarassed when it comes down to it. ha!
Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend and celebrated the 4th in style! :)
Heather- I took your advice (a little late!) and looked up the chinese calendar. I thought it was funny that at 24, in march when I concieved it was a boy. I've apparently lost the opportunity for awhile for a girl (Lame!) so looks like we'll be waiting until November. But look at how many chances there are to concieve a girl in early 30's! Sheesh. I don't want to wait that long but , wowzer.
Thanks for the advice though. I appreciate it. :) and I never ignored your comment, it would just never post my response. I don't know what was wrong with the dang thing.
Here's our list of boy names. We haven't paired any together yet, we've just chosen the ones we like. In no particular order, here they are:
Rion, Dylan, Max, Nicko, Jonah, Brady, Jonas, Mason, Zeke, Ash, Spencer, Brent, Jake, Peter, Rory, Moses, Warren, Wyatt, Cole, Colt, ,Nash, Rivers and Caleb. I also like Thaddeus, but he wants no part in that. Guess I don't blame him thinking about all the teasing he could possibly endure, but I think it sounds cool and smart. :)
You do see Nicko in the mix- his real name is Nickolas but he wants a kid named after him, with their REAL name being 'nicko', unlike his. I've tried talking him into a girl spelled "Neko" which of course he doesn't like. :( He wants it spelled his way with Cheyanne as the middle name (which is mine.) I like the idea, but everyone is going to think we copied his cousins. (They did wife's maiden name and the son's mother's maiden name. It's not technically the same, but close enough). It always kind of frustrated me the first name they chose is actually Nicko's middle name which we wanted to pass on. OH well. Guess you've got to get in the pregnancy line. That's why I'm taking no chances and getting my names all worked out- first, second and third choices.
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