Tonight is meet-the-teacher night at work. All the times I have had to this, and it still makes me a nerveous wreck! I've 'met' one parent on facebook who already seems very nice and friendly. I just have 18 more to go. haha.
On the bigger and better things....
We've been working on Vann's animal cards the past few weeks. I got them at Target in the clearance aisle (which I La-la-la-love!). They have a realistic picutre on both sides of the card along with the sound they make. The ONLY complaint I have with them is that there are too many birds : (yellow birds: canary, duck, chick) plus a parrot, dove and parakeet. There is an owl and rooster too, but I have no issue with that. He's doing wonderfully with them! He won't say the animal but if you ask him to find them he can do about 6 of them. He definately has favorites (dog, cat, cow, donkey,zebra, duck, goose, mouse, chick, alligator, giraffe, rhinocerous, bear, koala and pig) and can make the sound of the dog, cow, duck, goose, chick-he just gets really high pitched- and rabbit (sniff). Occassionally he will do the lion and bear but it's not often. He mostly enjoys watching/listening to me and daddy do the animal sounds. What's hillarious is that he associates certain ones with each of us even though we both do the entire set of cards with him. I guess he has preferences as to who does the best animal sounds. Daddy is given the rooster card every time. I always get the dog/donkey, zebra, alligator, chick and mouse..
The dog/donkey card has seen better days. That one has a special place in his heart and where-ever he is..that card is usually close by him. It's quite adorable but that card is going to be mangled in no time. I need to get another set..
In other Vann related news, at random times during the day he's been going to his room and falling asleep on random toys. Tuesday he cuddled up to his over-sized caterpillar (which was absolutely 'awwe-inducing') and yesterday he fell asleep on the end of his rocking horse, which was just as cute. I'm glad he's putting himself to sleep now, but I wish the kid would make it to his bed! haha.
I seriously love this kid. He is the most amamzing child in the entire world. :D
..and now it's shower time. I should have already been showered and dressed- instead I've wasted time on the computer (as usual) and just lolly-gagged around. It's rainy outside and even though I need to start being 'productive'..I'm just not feeling it. No one should be required to do things on days such as these.
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