Thursday, December 29, 2011

coming to an end.

What a week!

I can't believe my two-week break is nearly finished. :( It's gone by so quickly! I got a lot of things accomplished- like re-organizing my cabinests, labeling all of Vann's dishes for when he starts school, cleaning & donating old clothes and a few other things I've neglected in my day-to-day life.
It's been enjoyable but it will *almost be nice to return to a schedule. (*with the exception of rising at 5:30 a.m. ugh.)
I'm really anxious to find out how Vann will do in school. I have high hopes for him, and I really hope he enjoys it. I hope he's developmentally where he needs to be (or a little advanced) and makes friends with the other kids.
I'm only a little worried about myself. I'm glad he's at the same place I am, and I know I will like his teachers, I'm just worried that I'm going to make excuses to try and check on him every 5 minutes. I've already warned the co-teacher NOT to let me do it, and I've been repeating "you don't want to be THAT parent" to myself over and over and over again. The first week or so is going to be hard, but if I can withstand the initial temptation than the both of us will be fine.
He may even surprise me and take right to them and the kids..  I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I want him to miss me a little bit. :)

Anyway, here are a few Christmas pictures..

He loves babies. That makes momma happy.

Vann and his papaw, watching t.v.

he totally tried to hijack this fire truck!

Christmas morning at home. :)

...more to come. :D

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