Tuesday, March 9, 2010

martha stewart on a budget.

For whatever reason, the need to make things hit me HARD last night. I've spent the last week deep cleaning, down sizing & re-arranging in preperation for my grand parents and father's arrival next week. Maybe on some sub-concious level I needed to make a mess. I needed to be surronded by a little bit of chaos- because that is what happens when I begin projects. But it is something that I genuinely enjoy.
I was also looking through the Kaplan magazine and their teaching resources are so cute but expensive. I can't and refuse to pay $40 for a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree with 26 letters and 100 numbers. So.. with this being the original spark I made my own. I admit it's not as good as the one they sell, but it is pretty impressive. It will also be used for the "5 monkeys & the crocodile" song and a variety of others as well. So, eat that Kaplan.
I also made some bongos out of formula cans, some really cute ladybugs for a fingerplay, my own felt board out of a picture frame (I got the idea from someone's blog, but I forget who.) and I'm working on making "bible friends" to go along with my stories. I've got loads of ideas floating around in my head, but I'm running low on materials. I hope some people are feeling generous to donate to me... that'd be awesome.

So I'm off to create some more. It feels good to be productive. :]
Plus I'm home alone with nothing better to do. Except laundry, but really.. it can wait.

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